October 2006 Meeting Minutes
Chief Petty Officers Association of Miami, Inc.
Thursday, October 5, 2006
Meeting called to order 1945. Pledge of Allegiance and Moment of Silence.
Honorable members present:
OSCS Ron Roy, President QMC Jerry Lippincott, Treasurer
HMC Lenny Kohs
(SS) Mike Short
QMCS Ken Larson
Jorge Herrera
CTOC Tim Neary
TI2 Gayle Malone-Neary,
Patricia Bowden
Al Starr
YNCM Marc Fagenbaum
Norm Powell
HMC Richard Tedlow
Minutes from the Previous Meeting. Motion to accept September minutes as posted.
Duly seconded and approved. Reminder - minutes of all meetings will be posted on our
website (http://www.pes1.com/cpoa/).
Treasurers Report: We have 2 new members. HMC Lenny Kohs, 9369 Sheridan
Street #501, Cooper City, FL 33024. SKC Kevin A. Thomas, 18323 NW 7th Street,
Pembroke Pines, FL 33029. Savings balance $2,171.50. Checking balance $3,543.89. Motion to
accept report as read. Duly seconded and approved.
- Race Chief Short reminded everyone about the November races in Homestead.
Need volunteers. Chief Powell has orders for rooms but no guarantees. Discussion about our
contractual obligations to Americrown.
- Scholarship
- Philanthropy
Chief Powell gave update on Armed Forces Service Center. They
are still hurting for money. No commitments have been made. We are inviting Keith Whitbeck
to the Holiday Dinner. Senior Chief Starr also noted we have commitments to provide
certificates for the Reserve Center and Coast Guard for Thanksgiving.
- Ship Liaison
Senior Chief Starr reported that the reception for the USS
DeWert and The Sullivans was held September 18th at the Wayward Sailor. Noted
that what we do for the ships is really appreciated. The USCGC Seneca will arrive November
11th. This is the same crew as the Spencer. Our reception will be held in
conjunction with the All Hands Party at the Wayward Sailor since there are only a few
chiefs on board. Reminder about the USS Gridley commissioning. We will be the first CPOA
to officially recognize their mess. Venue possibly at VFW. Want to invite Coast Guard
- Navy League
The Lone Sailor dedication will be October 14th
on the New River. Uniform will be Summer Whites. There is a VIP dinner reception that
evening. Barbara and Ken Larson will represent the CPOA at that event.
- 501(3)(c)
All requested documents have been submitted to the CPA for
- Initiation
Senior Chief Ron Roy reported on the training; 20 slugs from 5
different commands. Discussion about charges. Senior Chief Larson reported the Khaki Ball
was phenomenal. Chief Short noted car washes good way to raise money. Discussion about how
to ensure we are recognized for our efforts. Perhaps we need to send information to media
contacts, Navy Times, local papers, community papers.
Old Business
- Eligibility requirements wording amendment proposal. Current eligibility reads: The CPOA
Scholarship Fund will be available to any current member of the association or the
members immediate family (spouse, son/daughter, stepson/stepdaughter). The proposed
wording would read: The CPOA Scholarship Fund will be available to any current member of
the association or the members family to include spouse, son/daughter,
stepson/stepdaughter, married childrens spouses, nieces, nephews, and grandchildren.
The purpose of this scholarship is to assist the candidate in obtaining his or her first
under graduate (Associate and/or Bachelor) degree from any accredited institution. Called
the question. Passed with 5 ayes (Powell, Tedlow, Short, Lippincott, Neary), 3 nays
(Fagenbaum, Starr, Herrera) and one abstention (Larson).
New Business
- Motion to put $50 towards USCGC Seneca reception. Duly seconded and passed.
Good of the Order
- The Holiday Dinner tickets are now available, $31 per person. This will be at the Pine
Island Country Club on Friday, December 8th. Cocktails are at 1830, dinner
1900. Choice of entrees: chicken chardonnay, tilapia Mediterranean, roast prime rib au
- Reminder about Navy Ball.
- Dave Cohen had knee replacement surgery. Ron Kinsella had angioplasty. Hope both are
doing well.
Motion to adjourn, 2102. Duly seconded and passed.
Dates to Remember
Meeting November 2nd
Races at Homestead November 17th, 18th, 19th
Meeting December 7th
Holiday Dinner December 8th
USS Gridley CPO Reception, February 7th
USS Gridley Commissioning, February 10th