October 2006 Meeting Minutes

Chief Petty Officers Association of Miami, Inc.

Thursday, October 5, 2006

Meeting called to order 1945. Pledge of Allegiance and Moment of Silence.


Honorable members present:

OSCS Ron Roy, President QMC Jerry Lippincott, Treasurer

HMC Lenny Kohs                               BMC (SS) Mike Short

QMCS Ken Larson                                   HMCS Jorge Herrera

CTOC Tim Neary            TI2 Gayle Malone-Neary, Secretary

Patricia Bowden                                       CTOCS Al Starr

YNCM Marc Fagenbaum                            HMC Norm Powell

HMC Richard Tedlow


Minutes from the Previous Meeting. Motion to accept September minutes as posted. Duly seconded and approved. Reminder - minutes of all meetings will be posted on our website (http://www.pes1.com/cpoa/).


Treasurer’s Report: We have 2 new members. HMC Lenny Kohs, 9369 Sheridan Street #501, Cooper City, FL 33024. SKC Kevin A. Thomas, 18323 NW 7th Street, Pembroke Pines, FL 33029. Savings balance $2,171.50. Checking balance $3,543.89. Motion to accept report as read. Duly seconded and approved.




Old Business


New Business


Good of the Order


Motion to adjourn, 2102. Duly seconded and passed.


Dates to Remember

Meeting November 2nd

Races at Homestead November 17th, 18th, 19th

Meeting December 7th

Holiday Dinner December 8th

USS Gridley CPO Reception, February 7th

USS Gridley Commissioning, February 10th