June 2009 Meeting Minutes
Chief Petty Officers Association of Miami, Inc.
Thursday, June 4, 2009


Meeting called to order 1930.  Pledge of Allegiance and Moment of Silence. 


Honorable members present:

                               HMC Rick Tedlow, Vice-president             CTOCS Al Starr
                               QMC Jerry Lippincott, Treasurer                OSCS Ron Roy
BTCM (SW) Paul LaCoursiere                   BMC (SS) Mike Short
HMCS Jorge Herrera                                   YNC (AW) Quint Walker
CTI2 Gayle Malone-Neary, Secretary         CTOC Tim Neary
BMC Ira Paul                                                 RMC Paul Douglas
HMC Norm Powell                                       QMC Arthur Drago
                                AEC Dave Cohen                                        QMC Stan Lesser
QMCS Ken Larson                                       BMCM Chuck Robertson

Minutes from the Previous Meeting.  Motion to accept minutes as posted.    Duly seconded and approved.  Reminder - minutes of all meetings will be posted on our website (http://www.pes1.com/cpoa/). 

Treasurer’s Report:
 Savings balance $5,314.27.  Checking balance $22,926.88.  One outstanding check for $252.  Have received some bills from CPOA reception.  Received additional $700 in donations.  Motion to accept report.  Duly seconded and approved.


Old Business

New Business

Good of the Order

·        Thanks from Chief Lesser for condolences.

·        Knights of Pythagoras Fathers’ Day Banquet June 19th in Del Ray, tickets $50.

Motion to adjourn, 2016. 
Duly seconded and passed.