April 2017 Meeting Minutes
Chief Petty Officers Association of Miami, Inc.
Thursday, April 6, 2017

Special note: Next month’s meeting rescheduled to May 11th.

 Meeting called to order by Senior Chief Ron Zasloff: 1934

Pledge of Allegiance, Sailor’s Creed and Moment of Silence.  


Ø     President:          HMC Monica Sions

Ø     Vice President:  UTCS Ron Zasloff

Ø      Secretary:         CTI2 Gayle Malone

Ø      Treasurer:        OSCS Ronald B. Roy, Retired

Ø     Master-at-arms: MAC Jose Soto

Honorable members and guests present:

BTCM(SW) Paul LaCoursiere

YNC(SW) Robin Viggiano

RMC Paul Douglas

BMCM Chuck Robertson

YNCS(SW/AW) Amy Broadus

NCC Buck McTee

CTOCS Alan Starr

CTI2 Gayle Malone

BMC Ira Paul

AEC(AC) David Cohen

CTTC Rocco Casucci

 HMC Norman Dean Powell

UTCS Ron Zasloff

OSCS Ron Roy

ADJ3 Harvey Cohen

ITFC(IW/SW/AW) Kevin Matza

BMC(SS) Mike  Short

MAC Jose Soto

HMC Rick Tedlow

LSC Allan Creary

HMCM  Richard George

EMC John Ocampo






Minutes from the Previous Meeting.  Motion to accept minutes as posted.  Duly seconded and approved. 

Treasurer’s Report:   Chief Roy reported outstanding checks: 912 to DJ for Fleet Week reception $200, 916 to Southcom $630.  Checking balance $11,118.23 savings $3,176.65, money market $45,637.86; Event $39,840; total $99,772.74.  Motion to accept report.  Duly seconded and approved. 


·       Ship Liaison – Senior Chief Starr reported final planning meeting held at Port Everglades yesterday.  The Navy Band will be  at our event.  The Broward Navy Days site for  signing  up for ship tours is almost  full.  The following will be (expected) guests at our reception:  USS New York LPD 21, USS San Jacinto CG 56, USS  Monterey CGT 61, USS  Nitze DDG 94, a sub to be named later, USCGC Forward WMEC 911, USCGC Margaret Norvell WPC 1105, Expeditionary Strike Group 2, Navy Region  South East, Navy Band  South East.  Tours limited to 20 people fore and aft.   Ships arrive May 1st.  Reception for all hands at River front (whites).  Our reception khaki at 1800.  VIP reception on Friday.  Senior Chief Starr has complete  schedule and fact file.

·       CPO365 NTR

·       MWR – Master Chief Robertson reported Key West trip this weekend.   Fishing  in July.  Chief Tedlow will  give  details  at next meeting.  Will plan bowling May 21st at manor  Lanes at 1400.

·       Awards – NTR

·       CRYC – Master Chief LaCoursiere reported meeting April 18th.  CRYC has requested Senior Chief Al Starr be Master of Ceremonies.  President, Chief Sions, will present plaques to commands.  Yacht rides on Wednesday (whites).  Sign up on website.

·       T-shirts and new coins – See  old business.


Old Business:

·       Discussion of season t-shirt.  Want to look at new coin with our emblem on front.  Will discuss with President and research costs.  Tabled until next month.

New Business:

·       Next meeting May 11th due to Fleet Week activities.

·       Master  Chief LaCoursiere met  with VA head  social worker.  Need fund to create impress  fund to meet emergency hardship issues.  Motion to  create fund for VA emergencies of $1,000 for each of 3 counties  (Broward, Miami-Dade, Palm Beach) funded per quarter with a monthly reporting  requirement, initial run for one  quarter.  Duly seconded and approved.  Committee:  Chief  Powell for Miami-Dade, Master  Chief  Robertson for Broward, Chief McTee for Palm Beach. Recommendation that committee member discuss all requests among themselves.

·       HMC Autra Rose of  NOSC retiring May 6th.  Will  send out invitation.

Good of the Order:

·       Chief Short has business cards for members.

Motion to adjourn:  2044.  Duly seconded and passed.


CTI2 Gayle Malone

MIAMI CPOA Secretary