Meeting Minutes
Chief Petty
Officers Association of Miami, Inc.
Thursday, June 3rd, 2021
President: BMCM Chuck Robertson, Retired
Vice President HMC Rick Tedlow
Secretary: LSCS Gary Rosenberg, Retired
Treasurer: OSCS Ronald B. Roy, Retired
Honorable members and guests present:
BMCM Chuck Robertson
OSCS Ronald Roy
LSCS(SW) Gary Rosenberg
YNCM Marc Fagenbaum
BMC(SS) Mike Short
CBCM Ronald Zasloff
ATC Jeffery Hittenberger
HMC Rick Tedlow
QMCS Ken Larson
HMC Norman Powell
Stan Bostic
CPOA meeting was called to order by Master Chief Chuck Robertson at 1930.
Pledge of Allegiance and Moment of Silence followed by the Sailors Creed.
Chuck – welcome our new members or returning, Stan Bostic returned.
Minutes from the Previous Meeting. Motion to accept minutes as posted. Duly seconded and approved.
Treasurer’s Report: Agreed to pay $1,000 for the sea cadets building ”not processed yet”
Checks outstanding; None.
Outstanding deposit; None
Checking $9,016.71
Savings $3,210.94
MM $26,802.73
CD $15,709.61
Total $54,739.99
Motion to accept the treasurers report. Duly seconded and approved.
Awards –
Chief Short, two awards to present, presented a paddle to MMC(SS)Michael George
for his fundraising
efforts with the
BB&T center.
Also presented a paddle
to OSCS Ronald Roy for his job as treasurer.
– Chief Tedlow, received one Scholarship application. Those that are eligible,
put in by Jun 30th.
Requirements for yourself or children are on the website.
– Chief Powell, everything is slow, in contact with Dave Cohen and he is doing
good. Got a response
from Tanya Tyson for
the flowers sent from the CPOA.
As always if
you know of someone who is sick or in need of outreach, please let me know.
· Ship Liaison – Senior Chief Starr, NTR
Fleet Week - NTR
Season – CMDCS Briody, NTR
CRYC – Master Chief
LaCoursiere, NTR
MWR – Chief Tedlow,
Bowling July 18th from 1400 – 1600 at Manner Lanes, 2 games plus
shoes at $10 a person. Holiday dinner will be December 11th at 6pm at
Tropical Acers, $25 a person. Khakis is the uniform and food choices will be
Filet, sea bass and prime rib. Mayport is taking reservations now and Key west
will start in July. Shooting for fall time frame for a trip to Key West.
VA Liaison – Master
Chef Robertson, NTR.
Fund Raising – Chief
George, NTR, we conducted a 50/50 at $5 a ticket. Not invited back to BB&T yet,
looking into F1 race, the race will run for 10 years. Hard rock NFL possibility,
main issue is getting bodies to participate. Raffles at the legion, if you vote
to do fundraising you need to participate! Commands come for help but need to
participate in fundraising and money should come to the CPOA since we give money
to all commands. Need contact from all commands.
Old Business:
New Business:
· Celebrating the 1991 commissioning of the NOSC. The NOSC will do a November 20 year anniversary of the commissioning inviting all the plank owner and the Mess.
· Retired FC1 got cut off on her M/C, went down, 5 days later she had a stroke, is in rehab and is putting a motion to donate $1,000 to her to assist. Motion to accept the donation. Duly seconded and approved.
Good of the Order:
· 50/50 raffle after the meeting for $1
· Will look at the possibility of doing a weekend or 1 day cruise as a mess.
Gary Rosenberg