Meeting Minutes
Chief Petty Officers Association of Miami, Inc.
December 14,
2023 Minutes
I. 1900 Call to order – Billini Benoit
II. Pledge of allegiance, Sailors Creed, Moment of silence
III. No new or returning members
IV. Motion to accept minutes as posted. Duly seconded and approved.
V. Treasurer Report – Billini Benoit in absence of Ron Roy
i. Checks outstanding: None
ii. Checking: 5115.95
iii. Money market: $17,122.18
iv. CD: $16,223.17
v. Total: $38, 461.30
vi. Raffles:
1. Claudia Camacho $40
2. Charles Robertson: $40
3. Rick Tedlow: $20
4. Mike Short: $20
5. Pamela Washington: $10
6. Daniel Vetan: $40
7. Paul Lacoursiere: $20
8. Carolyn Toney: $20
VI. Committee reports
Awards - Mike Short: NTR
Scholarship - Rick Tedlow: NTR
Philanthropy - Norm Powell: Will send card to Ron Roy for loss of his father
Ship Liaison - Al Starr: NTR
CRYC - Paul LaCoursiere: NTR
MWR - Rick Tedlow: Sign up on website for games
VA Liaison - Chuck Robertson: NOVA VA Veterans clinic – funded through June 30, 2024. Funding may dry up before then
Chief Season – Juan Ramirez: NTR
VII. Old Business:
1. Holiday Dinner December 16. Flyers for cutlass raffle and Holiday Dinner has been emailed and (Pam pass out physical flyers)
· Choice of meat, chicken, or fish
· Tickets $50/pp
· Cash bar
· White elephant - $25 cap
2. Given the Fleet Week relocation to Miami, the CRYC will not be sponsoring the Fleet Week Reception in 2024
§ Fleet Week for 2024 – 07-13 May in Miami. Only 2 ships are scheduled.
§ 2025 will be back in Ft. Lauderdale and 2026 will be in New Orleans.
VIII. New Business:
i. Website to be updated by Daniel Vetan
ii. Nomination for, President, Vice President, Secretary
1. Pamela Washington elected as President.
2. Gary Borges elected to Vice President
3. AJ re-elected as Secretary.
4. Ron Roy maintains position as treasurer.
VI. Member comments/news/for good of the group: N/A
VII. Adjourn 1935
Dates of Importance:
1. December 16, 2023
Next Meeting: January 11, 2024