Meeting Minutes

Chief Petty Officers Association of Miami, Inc. 

Thursday,  January 12th, 20



Attended by: Billini Benoit, Pamela Washington, Scott Behrje, Chuck Robertson, Jessica Aguirre, Diana Pacheco, Annabelle Gregory, Natalie Arroryo, Gary Rosenburg, Nick Rivera, Ron Roy, Chief Tedlow, Juna Ramirez, Master Chief LaCoursiere.


The meeting was called to order by Billini Benoit at 1900 followed by pledge of allegiance and moment of silence.  


Motion made to accept the minutes from previous meeting. All favored none apposed


Treasurer’s Report – Ron Roy: Two outstanding checks due to just being cut. Check #1112 $133.74 for Lone Sailor Statue for Caroline Greenlaw and check #1113 $35 for past president plaque.

Holiday Dinner outstanding business. Rosales’ and Petroski's didn’t show up and got charged for meals.


Checking            $  9,686.90
Money Market $16,973.15

CD                     $15,944.55

Total                 $42,604.60.


Two things that will come up next month. We have our corporate annual report which is $61.25. $100 for the USO in memory of Rick Schuchman. Books were audited by incoming and outgoing president. Motion made to accept meeting minutes, all favored; none apposed.


Old Business:

Awards: Award presented to Chuck for serving as President. “in recognition, appreciation for outstanding and dedicated leadership serving as President of the Chief Petty Officer Association, Miami 2021 to 2022BZ anchors are forever.”

1909: Scholarships: HMC Chief Tedlow: Nothing to report. Stated requirements to be eligible for scholarship.


Philanthropy: CPO365: September beginning of January for us starting to get busy, but not a good way. Birthday card for Ron Zasloff and a congratulations card for making it to Master Chief before he retired, sent his wife a get-well card because she was hospitalized.
Rick Schuchman was killed in an automobile accident. Sent a card to his sister.
Get well card sent to Dave Cohen who has been hospitalized.
Al Star is in the hospital to have a procedure done. He is recovering.
Robert White will be turning 90 years old. 
Chuck presented on the funeral. Seven to eight attended. Would’ve been nicer if there were more that could attend. Many family members talked about Rick.  
Chief Tedlow mentioned that “
David is being transferred today. It's supposed to be Broward Health Rehab Center, which is the office S Endres Ave, Fort Lauderdale. So today's the day he was supposed to move out.

CPO Season: Juan Ramirez: Chair and Lead identified. Brad Burke will be Chair and Scott Behrje will be Lead. Results expected to come out in June. Will have more a tentative plan next month. CPOA invited to come out and participate as much as possible.

CRYC: Master Chief LaCoursiere: Meeting on Jan 20 to pick out the Fleet Week Dates.


MWR: March 17, planning to go to Key West. Can call 30 days ahead of time for Navy Lodge, Fly Navy, Condos, Trailers: all through Gateway Inn. Numbers are on website. April was plan for cruise with Margaritaville. Haven’t heard much feedback from those that are interested.
Will look at schedule to see if we can attend hockey game as a group. SOUTHCOM sells military price tickets. Juan motions for May 19-21 for cruise; seconded, all favored, none apposed.


VA Liaison: Chuck Robertson: we as a CPOA have given to 28 different Veterans Total of $5661.41. To is the day we haven't given any money since August, so the average amount of money that we have given to an individual veteran is averaged out to 202 dollars. They presented a certificate to us that reads “they said this certificate of appreciation to the Chief Petty Officers Association of Miami is says this certificate is given to CPOA. Thank you for your sincerity and heartfelt contributions to homeless veterans. Many veterans’ lives were changed by for the better because of your work signed the VA.”


Fundraising: Need to select a new fundraiser coordinator.



Old Business:

            Roster update: Ron Roy: As a result of sending email to update roster, nine people have been added. 26 dues paid members are current of 232 names

            LS1 Bowden received gift cards

            Ron contacted Chief Bennet in regards to family member needing money for daycare. He PayPal’d them the $750 to his family.

            NSU Veterans Access Clinic – Chuck presents they are back in business until June 30. AJ got new glasses, and Oakley sunglasses.



New Business:

Committees: All current committee members maintain their positions. Need new ship liaison and fundraising. only states they worked a hot dog stand. Purpose of this fundraiser was to raise money for Khaki Ball. No money was made for mess; went directly towards Khaki Ball. There were at least 20 people present at this event.


Dining In: April 1st. Hosted by NRC Miami CPOA. All are invited.


Ted Tedlow requests donation from CPOA for David Cohen’s family to help with incidentals while he is receiving care. Master Chief LaCoursiere seconded. After discussion motion amended to $500. All favored, none apposed.


Jessica Aguirre volunteers to be on MWR Committee.


Motion was made, seconded and passed to adjourn at 2010 (Gary/Paul)

Submitted by: Billini Benoit