Meeting Minutes
Chief Petty Officers Association of Miami, Inc.
Thursday, July 13, 2023
Meeting was called to order at 1930
Rank |
Name |
Initial |
Pamela Washington |
P |
Damon Box |
P |
Claudio Palacios |
P |
Ron Roy |
P |
Gary Rosenberg |
P |
Ken Larson |
P |
Juan Ramirez |
P |
Chuck Robertson |
P |
Marc Fagenbaum |
P |
Paul LaCoursiere |
P |
Michael Short |
P |
Norm Powell |
P |
Remote attendees |
Natalie Arroyo |
P |
Stan Bostic |
P |
Emir Jimenez |
P |
Valarie Smith |
P |
Introduction of guest: Claudio Palacios, BMC Ret. Damon Box
Approval of last months minutes post-pone until next meeting
Treasurer’s Report: $7,128 outstanding, $220 bowling event, $41,665.32 balance
Three scholarship applications were reviewed and accepted, McGovern, Bostick, Cohen-Dawson
Fleet week will change venue to Miami in 2024, Paul LaCoursiere will work with local commands for last week in April or first week in April until resolved.
Al Star may have a connection with Miami Yacht Club in Grove for Broward Navy Days
MWR- Rick Tedlow will look into planning a Throwback lunch for August 19, 2023 at noon at 27 Birds Lounge.
CPOA Season, Jaun Ramirez stated that the results would be out July 31st. Scott Behrje will have the final schedule. Weekend events will take place with WPB selectees. Tentative venue s Miami Museum. The final night will be at Boy Scout Camp.
Khaki Ball – Jessieca Aguire reported tentative date for September 20th at Shake a Leg in Coconut Grove. She will have a block of rooms.
Holiday Dinner- Chuck Robertson reported that he, Gary and Paul recommend raising the price to $50/person with a cash bar, white elephant exchange and a door prize. The committee will discuss it in August. We need to reserve Tropical Inn by August 16, 2023.
MWR-we may consider having another Bowling Event during Season
Chuck talked about NOVA SE Vision Care
Motion was made by Rick Tedlow and seconded by Chuck Robertson to only approve one scholarship per year. Voted upon and passed.
Motion by Rick Tedlow to reimburse himself for $500 that he gave his daughter was properly seconded, voted on but did not pass.
Norm Powell asked if we were supporting USO Miami. It was determined that we are not.
Meeting adjourned at approximately 2020 hours.