Meeting Minutes
Chief Petty Officers Association of Miami, Inc. 
Friday, September 15, 2023 



HMCS Billini
Vice President: HMC Washington
Secretary: QMC Drago, Retired
Treasurer: OSCS Roy, Retired

 Honorable members and guests present: 






Arthur Drago



Ken Larson



Chuck Robertson



Jessica Aguirre



Marc Fagenbaum


Billini Benoit



Damon Box



CPOA meeting was called to order by the President Billini at 1934.
Pledge of Allegiance and Moment of Silence followed by the Sailors Creed.

President welcomed our new members or returning: NTR

Minutes from the August Meeting. Motion to accept minutes as posted. Duly seconded and approved with revisions.


Treasurer’s Report

Checks outstanding: $400 Tropical Acres

Checking $5,115.86

MM $17,092.17

CD $16,166.87

Total $38,374.90

Motion to accept the treasurer’s report. Duly seconded and approved. 



·        Awards – Chief Short – NTR



·        Scholarship – NTR


·        Philanthropy – Chief Powell

o   Condolence card to Christina Bermudez – thank you card sent back to Norm.

·       Ship Liaison – Senior Chief Starr – NTR

·        Fleet Week –NTR

·    Season – HMCM Billini – Chuck provided information.

     Museum with Selects tomorrow 9/16. Details online

     Training Tuesday 9/19 at 1800 at NRC

Final night – Boy scout camp 9/28 beginning at O’dark thirty.

Pinning – National Guard Armory 9/29

Khaki Ball – Location – Coconut Grove – 9/30 “Shake a Leg” 1900 $70/pp or $125/pair. Paid parking valet $35. First 60 get a tumbler.

2nd Bowling event with selectees – September 17 @ 1400 – no alcohol allowed.

CPOA distro list will be given to the selects.

Season shirts: $25. Really cool design.

Training and additional events found on CPOA website.

 ·   CRYC – Master Chief LaCoursiere – NTR

·   VA Liaison – BMCM Chuck Robertson –NTR

·        MWR – HMC Rick Tedlow 

o   Selectees going to museum in September 16

o   Flanagan’s Sunday August 13,

§  7 members from NOSC Miami have RSVP’d. Chuck asked for greater numbers to show from the CPOA.

o   2nd bowling event September 17 at 1600 – Manor Lanes

o   Holiday Dinner – December 16 at 1800

§  Choice of meat, chicken or fish

§  Tickets $50/pp  

§  Cash bar

§  Raffle – $5 each or 3 for $10 7 for $20 Billi will have the tickets

·        Watch

·        Saber 

§  Door prize –

§  White elephant - $25 cap

§  AJ suggested expanding the raffle to all commands we have contact with.


·        Old Business

o   NTR


·        New Business - NTR


·        Good of the Order:  

o   Chief Arnie Correa just came out of the hospital. Good wishes are with him.  


 Motion to adjourn: Duly seconded and passed at 2008




QMC (ret) Arthur Drago
MIAMI CPOA Secretary