Meeting Minutes

Chief Petty Officers Association of Miami, Inc. 

Thursday,  January 11th, 20



Meeting was called to order at 1927


Introduction of guest:  No new members

Approval of last months minutes post-pone until next meeting after motion from Tedlow and properly seconded.


Treasurer’s Report:  


$38,533.93= $5,102.03 checking + $17,152.24 Money Market + $16,279.66 CD


Annual audit was conducted by incoming Executive Board


Committee Reports:  Philanthropy- Norm Powell will send Rosario a Get well soon


Ship Liaison, Al Star/Rick Tedlow – Miami-Dade Military Museum Reception US Battalion Chief Reception, Fleet Week Miami is May 7th


MWR – Tedlow reported that he will look into a fishing trip for April 24, 2024 for $65/person Ken reported that Fort Lauderdale has an Air show planned, more info to come


Holiday Party Committee – Chuck reported that due to the cancellation of the holiday party in December 2023 due to inclement weather, CPOA lost $400 deposit.  The committee will look into rescheduling for April Chief’s Birthday, the committee will look at venues.  Motioned by Billi seconded by Ron to reschedule the Holiday Party event, unanimously passed. Ron Z. will look into reserving American Legion for April 6 & 7 for $200 deposit. 


Fundraising – T-shirt design – Dan V. submitted a design, board will review design idea.  Ron Z. will get quote


New Business – Petrosky called in with information on Blue Grass Festival asking for Security Guard volunteer for January 26, 27 and 28th at Reynolds Park from 10:00 a.m. – 10:00 p.m.


Erica H from NRC Miami won the Cutlass


Meeting adjourned at approximately 2001hours.