Meeting Minutes
Chief Petty Officers Association of Miami, Inc.
Thursday, May 9, 2024
President: HMC Pam
Washington Ret
Vice President: LSCS Gary Rosenberg Ret
Secretary: QMC Arthur J. Drago, Ret
Treasurer: OSCS Ronald B. Roy, Ret
Honorable members and guests
Rank |
Name |
Initial |
Chuck Robertson |
P |
Arthur Drago |
P |
Gary Rosenberg |
P |
Norman Powell |
P |
Michael Short |
P |
Ken Larson |
P |
CPOA meeting was called to order by Gary at 1932
Pledge of Allegiance and Moment of Silence followed by the Sailors Creed.
Minutes from the Previous Meeting. Motion to accept minutes as posted. Duly seconded and approved.
Treasurer’s Report:
Checks outstanding:
Coins - $935 not on books yet.
Outstanding deposits:
Checking $4842.66
MM $17,211.85
CD $16,494.40
Total $38,548.91
Motion to accept the treasurer’s report. Duly seconded and approved.
· Awards – Chief Short - NTR
· Scholarship – Chief Tedlow, - NTR
o Chuck reminds us that June 30 is the last day for submittals.
· Philanthropy – Chief Powell –
o Cards for Christina and AJ.
o Card to Mikey – birthday card and a care card for his health.
· Ship Liaison – Senior Chief Starr –
Rick Tedlow providing info.
· Norm will be doing the invocation.
· 50/50 raffle - $95 went to the CPOA. $95 went to a young marine.
· MC: Al Starr did a wonderful job and inspired the young service members to guide and lead their subordinates and peers so to leave their legacy.
· Much gratitude was expressed by all.
· The food and beer were good, and it was a full house.
· The USS Truman got underway and didn’t attend.
· The 2 beer kegs cost approximately $230, and we made $95 from the raffle winnings.
· Question on the deposit of the keg return.
· Fleet Week – Al Starr (information by Rick Tedlow)
o Same as Ship’s Liaison
· Season – HMCS Billini- NTR
· The new SEL for NRC Miami is CMDCS Andrew Brooks coming from Sacramento, CA. He’ll start his tour in August.
· CRYC –
Master Chief LaCoursiere – NTR
· Awaiting for info on next year’s fleet week.
· VA Liaison – BMCM Chuck Robertson - NTR
Navy veteran sleeping on bad mattress. Gary’s donation couldn’t happen as the sailor was not able to pick it up.
· MWR – HMC Rick Tedlow (Information by Chuck)
o May 11 – Sailors, marines interacting with Young Marines, NAS Richmond Sea Cadets at Miami Dade Military Museum and Memorial
o May 19 – Bowling at Manor lanes at 1400. $13.50 for 2 games Motion to make it $20/pp and make it a fundraiser. Inviting 1st Class’ to the event. Everyone pays $20. As of 5/9/2024, there are only 2 members attending and it may be canceled.
o TBA – Weekend cruise on Margaritaville of the Seas out of Riviera Beach.
o TBA – Labor Day Weekend in Key West
o TBA- Reef Fishing - $65 per person – 301 Seabreeze Blvd. Times: 0830, 1330 or 1930
· Old Business:
o Member dues:
o T-shirt design: Gary has a good rate with a vendor and is extending it to the CPOA. Cost per shirt is approximately $15/shirt. Poly – Cotton blend.
o Website re-design: NTR
o Mike asked about getting t-shirts from NRC. Chuck will investigate it.
· New Business: NTR
Good of the Order:
Rick Tedlow: Paul’s birthday video recording of a Mess hymn was received and appreciated.
Motion to adjourn: Duly seconded and passed at 2007.
QMC (ret) Arthur Drago
MIAMI CPOA Secretary