CPOA Meeting 03/07/02
Meeting called to order 1930. Pledge and moment of silence.
Guests: MUC Dave Czohara (joined after meeting)
Honorable members present:
QMCS Ken Larson ISC Glenna Fisher
RMCS Bob White HMC Richard Tedlow
HMC Norm Powell QMC (SWCC) John Petroske
HMCS Jorge Herrera BMC Ira Paul
Rosemarie Reve, Associate TMC Raymond Reve, Publications
SFGC Lee Palfrey BMC Mike Short, Secretary
CTOC Tim Neary, Vice President CTI2 Gayle Malone-Neary, Associate
QMC Jerry Lippincott, President QMC Stan Lesser, Treasurer
BTCM (SW) Paul LeCoursiere Nigel Brown, Associate
RMC Mike Bagley
Last months minutes: Motion to accept minutes. Passed.
Treasurers report: $7,741 in checking, total $9,766.88. Made approximately $3,400 at Homestead. Motion to accept Treasurers report. Passed. Stan read proposed budget. Will be published for membership review. Some items noted: Race income $13,400, shirts and hats $500, Initiation and holiday dinner $400. Discussion. Hymn to Stan for trying to map out a budget.
Committee Reports:
Bylaws: Bob White discussed first meeting. Want to look at provisions for emergency expenditures to avoid unexpected bills. Propose to add philanthropy to purpose paragraph the Association will participate in philanthropic activities in 2 areas, military/veteran and community/charitable; the percentage to be determined by the membership after acceptance of the budget. Discussion about changes proposed. Short brought up part of goal to have fellowship and not have to do everything through a committee. Bagley noted this is not intended to micro-manage the organization but rather bring the by-laws up-to-date and consistent with current memberships direction. Some discussion, some pontification. Another suggestion to add standing committees to by-laws. Suggestion to add "present" to Article V line to read "Upon approval by 2/3 of the membership present, " Everyone is encouraged to send their comments to the committee.
Philanthropy: Norm Powell spoke of HM1 Sonny Rabinowitz who died before he made chief. Recently, his son died. Recommended a remembrance be sent from the Association to Mrs. Rabinowitz. Motion to send flowers up to $75. Passed. Short asked if this would be allowed under new proposed by-laws. Answer: Yes.
Ship Liaison: No report.
Scholarship: No report.
Races: Bagley noted huge success this past weekend. Took in over $36,044 across the counter, net $33,881.36. Our income $3,800 less expenses for net about $3,100. Had 9 no-shows of 32 who committed to working the race. Discussion about serious need to follow through when making these committments. If sickness or work precludes your being able to honor your commitment, need to contact race committee coordinators as quickly as possible. Had many non-CPOA folks supporting us. Reve suggested inviting them to our holiday party. Hererra mentioned few actual drilling reservists participate. Powell spoke about the many people who worked with no relief because of the no-shows. There were many strong feelings vented during the ensuing discussion. Although there may be a race in April, we are not committed to another until November. Kudos and Bravo Zulu to everyone who did participate. Motion by Ira to invite non-CPOA members who helped to Sea Escape cruise before June. Suggestion to discuss further next month. Motion tabled.
Old Business
Reminder to pay dues. Stan will send current paid roster to Gayle for membership cards. | |
Still waiting for names of 4 individuals to whom we want to give $50 gift certificates for Spring Holiday. | |
Still intend to give Veterans home $1,000 TV. Short mentioned he is collecting paperback books to give sailors and vets. |
New Business
CPOA hosted reception for Chiefs Mess of USS Mitscher at Café Bluefish, 3/6/02. Motion to pay $214 for reception. Passed. They presented plaque to us. Motion to have plaque made and sent to ship, cost about $60. Passed. | |
Suggestion to have signal to be used by our young people who work the counters at the races which will call for adult assistance when customers are threatening or abusive. Bagley said this will be handled by Race committee. |
For the Good of the Order
Happy birthday to Nigel and Rosie. | |
Rock had pictures from his daughters wedding. |
Motion to adjourn. Passed. Meeting adjourned 2040.