April 3, 2003

Meeting Minutes

Chief Petty Officers Association of Miami

Meeting called to order 1935. Opening ceremonies, Pledge, Moment of silence for fallen shipmates and those currently in harm’s way.

Introduction of Guests: Bill Dietz,ETCM, 26 years USCG, command master chief retired.

Ric Burn, SFC, Nova SE University, presentation on education. Retired Army 20 years.

Honorable Members Present:

CTOC Tim Neary, President HMC Norman Powell, Vice President

RMC Mike Bagley QMC Stan Lesser

BMC (SS) Mike Short AEC Dave Cohen

Nigel Brown, Associate CTI2 Gayle Malone-Neary, Associate

HMC Rick Tedlow BMCM Paul LaCoursiere

OSCS Ronald Roy, Treasurer CTOCS Al Starr

RMCS Bob White QMCS Ken Larson

YNCM Marc Fagenbaum BMCM Chuck Robertson

PNC Ron Kinsella MSC (SCW) Gary Sturm, Secretary

ADC Albert Durso

Education Presentation from Nova: Military affair officer. How many currently familiar with voluntary education opportunities? DOD authorized tuition assistance of about $4500/year. Navy identified education as its number one benefit. This is a high quality of life issue. Deliver online courses. Trying to leverage this benefit to be zero out-of-pocket expenses for service men and women. One of the expenses that are not covered are text books. This can be several hundred dollars per semester. Possibility of creating a scholarship for books for active duty Navy personnel. This is only an idea at this point. Want to not only bring in the Navy personnel to the classroom, but also use them to bring the Navy experience to the other students in their classroom. Is there an opportunity to do this in Broward County? Can we support the quality of life of active duty personnel? A college degree can make a big difference not only in career advancement but also their future as a civilian. This would also provide visibility for our organization. Identifying the students could be part of the process we identify. Discussed several options. There seems to be a great deal of latitude in how this could be organized. For example, the creation of a couple of $200 book scholarships. Discussion.

Minutes from the previous meeting: Chief Bagley motion to waive reading. Duly seconded and passed.

Treasurer’s Report: Ron Roy back and officially took over his duties. Savings $2,069.69, checking $11,024.98, total $13,094.67. Motion to accept. Duly seconded and passed. President needs to bring letter so that Ron can write checks.

Committee Reports

bulletRace: Chief Bagley has nothing new to report. Have not received our check yet from Homestead but should bring in about $2,100. It takes about 4 weeks minimum to process the check. Next race 3, 4, 5, and 6 of November. Norm says we need lead time to plan for the rooms. Need to find out if this is a drill weekend.
bulletScholarship: Nothing yet received.
bulletReceived nice letter of thanks for USNR squadron donation to their Make-A-Wish activity and several pictures. Passed around.
bulletSecond issue Family Day that Chief Schwarz coordinating. Al said concept to help families of reservists who have or will be called up. Chief Starr contacted Ships Supply which will donate food (hots, chips, etc.). Chief Short will bring his grill. All we really need is someone to assist in setup, cooking. Need to be there at 9:00 a.m. since they want to start serving at about 10:30 a.m. on Sunday. Uniform of the Day will be CPO shirts. Norm took names of volunteers. CO very happy that we were able to assistance. Chief Fagenbaum brought up there are other resources available and perhaps could have a questionnaire to let us know what we might be able to do to assist. Chief Short noted that there is a lot of talent available to help wherever help might be needed. Chief Short suggested we provide pork and beans or salad. Chief Bagley moved to set aside $100 from our association for beans and incidentals at the Miami Reserve Center Family Day. Duly seconded and passed. Chief Short, Chief Bagley, Chief Starr, Chief White, Chief Durso, Chief Cohen, Chief Powell, Chief Sturm volunteered.
bulletChief Bagley suggested organization for feeding the hungry in Broward County. Made motion to consider this group. Duly seconded and passed.
bulletShip Liaison: Chief Starr gave update of Fleet week. Enterprise will not be coming. Not sure about the Oak Hill. Our Chiefs Reception has agreed that we can sponsor this Tuesday evening at the POA hall, 7-11. Set up to handle 150 people. Chief Short will set up the grill. We will supply the food. POA will set up a keg for cost $60. Bar will be open. We will put $200 on the bar. Uniform of the day will be CPO shirt and khaki slax. bulletCPO Initiation: ntr bulletFinance: ntr bulletBylaws: ntr

Old Business

Chief Starr mentioned that we need to order the coins. This is already being taken care of.

New Business

Need someone to take over the Race committee. Chief Bagley in the process of moving out of the area. Chief Short volunteered loudly and enthusiastically. Nota Bene: He cannot do this by himself.

Motion to Adjourn 2038. Duly seconded and passed.