April 2012 Meeting Minutes
Chief Petty Officers Association of Miami, Inc.
Thursday, April 5, 2012


Meeting called to order: 1930.  Pledge of Allegiance and Moment of Silence. 


Ø     President:          QMC Arthur Drago

Ø     Vice President:  ETC Rick Schuchman

Ø      Secretary:         ITC Karen Leonard, USSOUTHCOM

Ø      Treasurer:        OSCS Ronald B. Roy


Honorable members and guests present: (17)

 QMCS KEN LARSON                          CTI2 GAYLE MALONE                          CTOC TIM NEARY                                           

 RMC PAUL DOUGLAS                       QMC ARTHUR”AJ” DRAGO                 HMC NORM POWELL

 OSCS RON ROY                                     BMCM CHUCK ROBERTSON                HMC RICK TEDLOW                        

 ITC KAREN LEONARD                      ISCM JT FREELS                                     CSCS MIKE MOSELY

BTCM PAUL LaCOURSIERE              LSC LISA LeMARIER                              ETC RICK SCHUCHMAN

CTOCS AL STARR                               YNC ROBIN VIGGIANO                        


Minutes from the Previous Meeting.  Motion to accept minutes as posted.  Duly seconded and approved. 

Treasurer’s Report

Ø     Checking balance: $ 15,590.12

Ø     Savings:                 $ 3,136.93

Ø     Money Market:      $ 10,153.93

Ø     Total:                     $ 28,880.98

Ø     (4) checks outstanding: $80 (TIPS)

                                      $654.00 (Coins)

                                      $314.78 (Domain)

                                      $596.90 (T-Shirts)

Total Outstanding:        $1,645.68

Ø     Motion to accept Treasurer’s report.  Duly seconded and approved.


  1. Race – (Mike Short/Norm Powell)

·      NSTR-Too early for NASCAR


  1. Scholarship –   (Rick Tedlow)

·       No applications ATT.

·       Deadline for applications is June 30, 2012


  1. Philanthropy –  (Norm Powell)

·       Reminder that we support on a quarterly basis:

1.     Armed Forces Center at Miami International Airport ($2,000/yr)

2.     Thanksgiving Dinner for “needy” Sailor/Soldier/Airman/Coastie


  1. Ship Liaison –  (Al Starr)

·       Fleet Week :

1.     Wednesday, 25 April, 1600-??? Welcoming ceremony at Hard Rock Café. Uniform is Summer Whites.

2.     Thursday, 26 April, 1830-2100 - Reception at Coral Ridge Yacht Club. 

                   Uniform: Khaki and either cover for CPO guests.

                                   Khaki pants and Miami CPOA shirt for us.

3.     Friday, 27 April, Admiral will host reception onboard USS Wasp @ 1800 for 20 people (plus a guest). Uniform is Summer Whites.

4.     Only expecting approx. 250 in attendance (including MIAMI CPOA):

5.     26th MEU Marines were invited to attend as well (10-12 Gunny)

STRIKE GROUP 2: USS Wasp (60 Chiefs),

                                  USS Gettysburg (35 Chiefs)

                                  USS De Wert (25 Chiefs)

                                  USS San Jacinto (35 Chiefs)

                                  USCGC (3 Chiefs)

                                  USS Sub (10 Chiefs)

6.     This year they are celebrating the War of 1812 and Year of the Chief.

7.     USS Wasp tour is by VIP invitation only on FRI 27APR. AL will send invite to you if applicable.

8.     Yacht Ride has MOVED to Saturday 28APR @ 1630

       Next CPOA meeting we will have a sign-up sheet for who wants to  

       attend Yacht rides. Priority goes of course to our visiting brethren, so

       don’t get feelings hurt if asked to decline ride.

9.     Ship Tours Sat/Sun 28th/29th   Deadline to sign-up is 16April on website.

10.  All ships will be moored at the Cruise ship piers.

11.  AJ needs to check on plaques from Trophy Land for reception.

12.  (3) non-CPO guest were invited to invitation to include the Fleet Week Chairperson and her assistant.

13.  USCG will provide color guard and possible fly-by.

14.  Goodyear Blimp does not think they will be available Thursday due to another commitment but will be there Friday @1700.

15.  More info at www.browardnavydaysinc.org

16.  Leslie Lowenfall will be taking photos at the reception and only approved material will be utilized.

17.  Buses will bring our Chiefs over to reception @1800.

18.  Evening Colors by Sea Cadets @ approx. 1930 followed by a fly over, Anchor’s Aweigh song, Plaque Exchange and then festivities inside to include finger foods and two free drink tickets.

19.  Guest speaker will be STXGRP2 CMC-Tony Josie. Former Fleet Master Chief and the Force Master Chief will be present as well but no speeches.


5.      Induction –  (Chris Marcello/AJ Drago)

·       Every Thursday night during Induction season we will meet at the VFW.

·       An agenda will be made so we are not “winging” the night. Should be lesson plan for the day.


6.      Awards –  (Harvey and Dave Cohen/Mike Short)

·       Norm Powell provided input in lieu of the Cohen brothers.

·       Norm will pick up plaques for Fleet Week. 


 Old Business:

·       CPO Ring raffle is still going. Please help Robin spread the word. Tickets are $25.00 ea or 5 for $100.00. Will only sell 400 tickets and raffle will be done in OCT. Great fundraiser for upcoming Induction season. Ring valued at approx $4,000. So far we have sold $875.00 worth of tickets.

·       ULTRA Music Festival Fundraiser: Even though event did not get completed due to contractual issues, we had 42 volunteers step to the plate. Issues that broke the contract were on the vendor’s side not ours but consisted of the following: 

a.      No parking was available as promised. Vendor said they would reimburse.

b.     Vendor said we were not wearing the right clothes however they did not have the t-shirts they promised so we would be “in the right clothes”.

c.      Vendor double booked stands and since we were not “in the right clothes” and we were having issues, we cut our losses and gave booth to other volunteer group that was waiting.

d.     Vendor did not have enough wristbands to cover the booths and personnel.

e.      No food tent for volunteers as promised

 New Business:

·       25th CPOA Anniversary Cruise date has been set. Cruise will be 2-4 NOV 2012 onboard the Norwegian Sky. Departs from Miami, goes to Great Stirrup Cay Bahamas and Nassau, Bahamas http://www2.ncl.com/vacations?N=4294963192+4294963160&Ne=5&Ns=p_Itinerary_Featured%7C1%7C%7Cp_Itinerary_Featured_Weight%7C0%7C%7Cp_Duration%7C0&Nu=p_Key&latitudes=no&senior=no&undefined=#tab_detail

·       Minimum group rate is for 15 people. Cost BEFORE group rate is as follows:

a.      $189.00pp    inside cabin

b.     $229.00pp    outside cabin

c.      $369.00        balcony

d.     $799.00        suite


·       Motion was made and passed that extra $ we save on discount rate will be applied towards excursions.

·       PASSPORT REQUIRED!!!! If you don’t have one, or it has expired, you need to work on a new one now if planning to attend.

Good of the Order:

·       Dave Cohen had back surgery on 4 April and Harvey is recouping himself. AJ Drago motioned to get both brothers a $50.00 gift card each for dinner out. Motion was accepted.

·       AJ Drago won a whopping $7.00 at the 50/50 drawing.


1.     ENC CONATSER                     4/10

2.     BTCM(SW) LaCOURSIERE    4/11

3.     CHIEF MARTINEZ                  4/20

4.     CTTC McDONALD                  4/22

5.     HMCS HERRERA                     4/27

6.     LSC LeMARIER                        4/30


1.     QMC LIPPINCOTT     4/1

2.     ENC CONATSER        4/16

3.     RMCS WHITE             4/17

Motion to adjourn:  2100.  Duly seconded and passed.