March 2012 Meeting Minutes
Chief Petty Officers Association of Miami, Inc.
Thursday, March 1, 2012


Meeting called to order: 1934.  Pledge of Allegiance and Moment of Silence. 


Ø     President:          QMC Arthur Drago

Ø     Vice President:  ETC Rick Schuchman

Ø      Secretary:          ITC Karen Leonard, USSOUTHCOM

Ø      Treasurer:         OSCS Ronald B. Roy


Honorable members and guests present: (10)

 QMCS KEN LARSON                          CTI2 GAYLE MALONE                          CTOC TIM NEARY                                           

 RMC PAUL DOUGLAS                       QMC ARTHUR”AJ” DRAGO                 HMC NORM POWELL

 OSCS RON ROY                                     BMCM CHUCK ROBERTSON                HMC RICK TEDLOW                        


Minutes from the Previous Meeting.  Motion to accept minutes as posted with change (Removed Robin Viggiano’s B-Day announcement-that was last year).    Duly seconded and approved. 

Treasurer’s Report

Ø     Checking balance: $ 9,103.91

Ø     Savings:                 $ 3,136.13

Ø     Money Market:      $ 10,149.26

Ø     Total:                     $ 22,389.93

Ø     (4) checks outstanding: $80 (TIPS)

                                      $169.43 (Hospitality)

                                      $1,000 (AFSC)

                                      $61.25 (Corporate Annual Report Fee)

Ø     $40.00 dues paid online

Ø     $650.00 for ring raffle received online as well as $125.00 cash. $22.00 goes to PayPal for transaction fees.

Ø     Filed new IRS Form 990 as well as Corporate Annual Report.

Ø     Motion to accept treasurer’s report.  Duly seconded and approved.


  1. Race – (Mike Short/Norm Powell)

·      The NOSC did not want to take on the fundraiser.

·      FOR THE RECORD: AJ discussed with the Officers, and it was agreed amongst them, that the Miami CPOA would keep the fundraiser and divide each day of the race up between the Officers so no one person has all the burden. Norm/Mike will remain the Chairperson for the event but it is the Officer’s responsibility to ensure they have all their volunteers.


  1. Scholarship –   (Rick Tedlow)

·       No applications ATT.

·       Deadline for applications is June 30, 2012


  1. Philanthropy –  (Norm Powell)

·       Norm wanted to recognize the FCPOA for their NASCAR support last year.


  1. Ship Liaison –  (Al Starr)

·       Fleet Week :

1.     Ron reported in lieu of Al.

2.     Thursday, 26, April, 1830-2100 - Reception at Coral Ridge Yacht Club. 

                   Uniform: Khaki and either cover for CPO guests.

                                   Khaki pants and Miami CPOA shirt for us.

3.     Only expecting approx. 250 in attendance (including MIAMI CPOA):

STRIKE GROUP 2: USS Wasp (60 Chiefs),

                                  USS Gettysburg (35 Chiefs)

                                  USS De Wert (25 Chiefs)

                                  USS San Jacinto (35 Chiefs)

                                  USCGC (3 Chiefs)

                                  Undisclosed sub (20 Chiefs)

4.     This year they are celebrating the War of 1812

5.     USS Wasp tour is by VIP invitation only on FRI 27APR. AL will send invite to you if applicable.

6.     Yacht Ride has MOVED to Saturday 28APR @ 1630

       Next CPOA meeting we will have a sign-up sheet for who wants to  

       attend Yacht rides. Priority goes of course to our visiting brethren, so

       don’t get feelings hurt if asked to decline ride.

7.     Ship Tours Sat/Sun 28th/29th

8.     All ships will be moored at the Cruise ship piers.

9.     AJ needs to check on plaques from Trophy Land for reception.

10.  (3) non-CPO guest were invited to invitation to include the Fleet Week Chairperson and her assistant.

11.  USCG will provide color guard and possible fly-by.

12.  Goodyear Blimp and Navy Times will be there to cover event.

13.  More info at

14.  Leslie Lowenfall will be taking photos at the reception and only approved material will be utilized.


5.      Induction –  (Chris Marcello/AJ Drago)

·       NSTR.


6.      Awards –  (Harvey and Dave Cohen/Mike Short)

·       NSTR


 Old Business:

·       2012 is the 25th anniversary of our CPOA. The Committee for this will discuss the (3) cruise options, pick a date, and present to the CPOA.

·       Paul Douglas reported that he researched in Pompano County the cost for an occupational license in order to utilize the “Mobile Canteen”. He said the fee is $45.00 and you also need to obtain a home city occupational license. These (2) licenses are required as well as insurance (which his wife is researching that cost). Any other county/city will accept the occupational license so we do not have to have a license for every county/city we bring our mobile canteen to.

·       CPO Ring raffle is still going. Please help Robin spread the word. Tickets are $25.00 ea or 5 for $100.00. Will only sell 400 tickets and raffle will be done in OCT. Great fundraiser for upcoming Induction season. Ring valued at approx $4,000.

·       AJ has not gotten any response back from Bank America Stadium for doing concessions. More to follow.

·       Chuck Brown brought to our attention that on Fri, 3 AUG, the Coast Guard would be commissioning a new USCGC Richard Etheridge. More to follow as date draws nearer but history of USCGC Richard Etheridge can be found at these links:

 New Business:

·       Karen Leonard reported that Stan Lesser was not able to get out of the house to come to the meeting but would love for her to call next month to see if he is better. He did not discuss reason he could not leave house. AJ would like to get him to “The Pub” (shopping center at Pines Blvd/I-75) THIS Saturday the 3rd to “show him some love”. If he cannot come out, he’d like to go to his house. Karen will call Friday and check Stan’s availability.

·       Motion made by Ken Larson to modify By-Laws for people with no children, to expand to nieces/nephews etc so that they may be nominated for the Scholarships since we have so few eligible children. AJ mentioned we did not have an explicit committee and nominated Karen Leonard to Chair the committee and Rick Tedlow volunteered to assist.

More to follow.

·       Norm Powell put a motion for proposal on behalf of Jerry Lippincott. The proposal is that Jerry is willing to run the Race Committee (all 4 days), IF the CPOA will pay his expenses to fly down, lodging, and food. Ron Roy will put out on website for voting and present at next meeting. AJ and the Officer’s proposal are that the Officers are responsible for one day each and that we elicit volunteers from the CPO 365 candidates. Utilizing the CPO 365 candidates will not only get them out and about with their CPOs but it will also allow them to receive $$ they can utilize for their Induction Season. NET earnings will be split 50/50 with the CPOA and the CPO 365 and the CPOA will hold their monies for Induction season and put into their account once established.

·       Karen Leonard had presented to AJ the opportunity for a fundraiser at the 23-25March sold out ULTRA Music Festival. AJ spoke to the Music Venue concessionaire who said we could have 4-5 booths (food only, no alcohol). It would take 4-5 people to man booth. Prime opportunity to draw some $$ in and get the CPO 365 involved (8% return on our booth and 2% overall return for all booths in venue). Shifts are 1000-1700, 1700-0100. Watchbill would need to be set up and done soon, as event is right around corner. AJ will take care of contract and logistics. Parking is available for volunteers.


Good of the Order:

·       Thank You card received from Meloney Roy regarding our get well card while she was in the hospital.

·       Chuck Robertson mentioned that TRICARE is going to be raising fees.

·       Rick Tedlow won a whopping $2.00 at the 50/50 drawing! Way to go Rick! lol

Motion to adjourn:  2108.  Duly seconded and passed.