April 2013 Meeting Minutes
Chief Petty Officers Association of Miami, Inc.
Thursday, April 4, 2013


Meeting called to order by Chief Karen Leonard: 1930

Pledge of Allegiance and Moment of Silence. 


Ø     President:          ITC Karen Leonard, USSOUTHCOM

Ø     Vice President:  BMCM Chuck Robertson, Retired

Ø      Secretary:         CTI2 Gayle Malone

Ø      Treasurer:        OSCS Ronald B. Roy, Retired

Honorable members and guests present:

OSCS Ron Roy

BTCM(SW) Paul LaCoursiere

QMC Arthur Drago

ADJ3 Harvey Cohen

MMC Chris Marcello

QMCS Ken Larson

BMCM Chuck Robertson

ITC(SW/AW) Karen Leonard

AEC(A/C) Dave Cohen

HMC Rick Tedlow

HMC Norm Powell

RMC Paul Douglas

BMC(SS) Mike Short

CTI2 Gayle Malone


Minutes from the Previous Meeting.  Motion to accept minutes as posted.  Duly seconded and approved. 

Treasurer’s Report:   Senior Chief Roy reported no outstanding checks. Current balances:  Checking $25,102.51, Savings $3145.04, Money Market $10,202.69.  Total assets $38,450.24. Expenses for Fleet Week include t-shirts and South Florida Video.  Fleet Week cancelled due to Sequester.  Motion to accept Treasurer’s report. Duly seconded and approved. 


·       Race – (Mike Short/Norm Powell) – NTR

·       NTR.

·       Chief Powell received thank-you for Make-a-wish donation in memory of Gertrude Rumin.  Sent Armed Forces Service Center $2,000.  Researching Wounded Warrior.

·       NTR.

·        Induction –  (AJ Drago/Chris Marcello)

·       Chief Drago asked if CPOA still wants to be part of 365 for NOSC.  Suggestion to invite 1st classes to a meeting.

·        Awards –  (Dave Cohen/Mike Short)

·       Plaques ordered .

Old Business:

·       Ring has been ordered.  Cost $1,650.

·       Miami Marlins Monday games free ticket.

·       Events for year:

o      June Bowling at Manor Lanes, Sunday, June 23rd beginning at 1300.

o      July fishing.  Chief Tedlow still researching.

New Business:

·       Bylaws.  Motion to accept changes.  Duly seconded and approved.

·       David Alan Grier will be at Seminole Hard Rock, August 8th.  Motion to invite members who can pay for their guests.  Duly seconded and approved.

·       Asked if interest in dinner cruise.  Chief Leonard and Gayle will research.

·       Holiday cruise.  Rates higher now.  Need to decide if we want 3 day, 2 night cruise or cruise with stay at resort.  Will research dates further.  Army Navy game December 13th.

·       Golf Tournament at Miccosukee for military in May.  Chief Tedlow will send more information.

Good of the Order:

·        RETIREMENT:  Lou Kitchin retires June 7, 2013 after 33 years of service and will be moving to FT Myers.  Retirement will be at Station Fort Lauderdale.  Mark Mello retiring May 17th.

·        Southcom Navy Ball October 11th on Windridge Yachts.

·        Southcom fundraiser for Mothers Day packages.

·        James Patterson books available for military.

·        Chief Leonard will research Chief Short’s question about honorary chiefs.

Motion to adjourn:  2056.  Duly seconded and passed.



CTI2 Gayle Malone

MIAMI CPOA Secretary


New Bylaws to be voted on at May Meeting.


Drafted:   11 DEC 2012
Reviewed:   03 JAN 2013
Revised:  11 MAR 2013
Approved:   04 APR 2013
Final Approval:    .....................





This entity shall be known as the "Chief Petty Officers of Miami, Inc.”.




The Miami CPOA exists to establish within the Navy and Coast Guard communities of South Florida, a fraternal organization of senior enlisted personnel for the purpose of:




Those eligible for membership are cordially invited to attend and hold office. Membership is open to the following individuals:



·       General voting can be conducted if a quorum of at least six (6) members is established.

·       Motions require a majority of that quorum for a motion to be passed.

·       Active CPOA Members are the only authorized personnel to vote on any decisions.

·       Board Members have the ability to vote on, and authorize, the expenditure of items (i.e ship’s reception) which arise between monthly meetings. In the event items arise that are either approved or disapproved on between meetings, these events shall be brought up at the next scheduled meeting, so that official annotation in the minutes are made for documentation purposes. Voting decisions for items that need “on the spot” determination can only be made if two or more elected Board Members are present and, when available, voting members present are given the opportunity to provide objections or concurrence.




The Miami CPOA will be composed of the following dues paying members:



·       Nominations from the membership will be open in October and November of each year.

·       Election to the office for which nominated by a majority vote will be held at the December meeting by the members present.





The following standing committees are established to promote awareness to the membership on matters relating to the Sea Services and the Association’s participation in events:




The CPOA participates in the following events annually:

Ø     April- Broward County Fleet Week in Ft Lauderdale, FL

Ø     November- NASCAR Races in Homestead, FL

Ø     December- Holiday party



Duties and responsibilities of the officers, committees and members shall include but not be limited to the following:




·       Will assist the President in the performance of their duties and perform the duties of the President in their absence.

·       Serve as the assistant to the Treasurer to conduct monetary business in the absence of the Treasurer.



·       Will record the minutes of all Association meetings and assist the President in drafting and disseminating all correspondence relating to the CPOA.

·       Will maintain a copy of all current year’s Association minutes and have available for review at all Association meetings.

·       Will maintain a copy of the by-laws and have available for review at all Association meetings.



·       Will collect all dues, dispense all approved expenditures, and maintain necessary records of all receipts and expenditures.

·       Will be responsible for preparing the annual budget and Chair the Budget committee.

·       Provide a financial report to the CPOA membership at each regularly scheduled meeting.

·       Order and maintain CPOA coins and shirts.

·       Prepare proposed budget for the CPOA to be presented to the membership at the first February meeting.

·       Will present financial records, no later than March of each year, to the audit committee for review. Additionally, will present financial records upon relief of duties, turnover, or as requested by the CPOA President.



·       Will perform all functions for which the committee was established within the guidelines established by the President.



·       Ensure continued vitality of the CPOA by attending meetings and social functions.

·       Promptly paying their annual dues to the CPOA Treasurer.

·       Should advise CPOA of their respective transfer or retirement dates.

·       Will bring to the attention of the CPOA any and all issues which are of interest to the general membership.

·       Active members are responsible for making motions to be voted upon.

·       Should immediately advise the CPOA President and the Philanthropy Chairmen of the hospitalization, birth/ death of any CPOA member and/or immediate family member.

·       Will determine by majority vote, the purpose and the amount for which funds shall be disbursed by the CPOA, except that the President, with the concurrence of the Vice-President or the Treasurer, may authorize the Treasurer to dispense funds up to $100.00 for CPOA matters or emergency expenditures.



·       Dues may be used to subsidize social functions for the membership only when, as determined by the President and Treasurer, the financial status of the CPOA is healthy enough to afford it and voted in favor of by a simple majority.

·       Funds approved for a particular purpose and not used will be returned to the general fund.

·       The President and Treasurer may authorize expenditure of up to $100 for the emergent needs of a member of the CPOA, and shall report such expenditures at the next CPOA meeting.

·       The CPOA can donate funds to support organizations and events outside of the CPOA as long as the organization benefits the Sea Services.  Donations require a vote for each occurrence. Volunteer donations from all CPOs for a special occasion or cause may be solicited for each event if required.

·        An appropriate gift (flowers, card, stuffed animal, etc) will be provided for all weddings, birth of child, or death of immediate family member of active CPOA members. No vote is required provided amount is less than $50.

·       The CPOA donates monies to various sea service organizations as voted upon by membership.




The following procedures and agendas will be followed for regular meetings of the Miami CPOA:

Order of Business:




·       Amendment to any Article or section of an Article of the By-laws may be recommended by an active member in good standing at any regular CPOA general assembly meeting.

·       A majority vote of the membership present, in good standing, is required for adoption of the recommended change or amendment.





·       At the revision of these by-laws, the Miami CPOA has been in existence for 25 years.

·       The option to make a motion and vote on the dissolution of the Miami CPOA’s status as a 501(c) (3) organization will only be considered if the Association (1) has not been able to financially sustain itself for the past three months; (2), does not foresee the ability to regain its financial stability; and (3) if unanimously approved by vote by all the members present at the meeting, and in good standing, at the time the motion was proposed. A quorum (at least six members) must be present.

·       Upon the dissolution of this Association’s 501(c)(3) status, assets shall be distributed in accordance with both Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code and, the Miami CPOA By-laws. Examples of such organizations are; the local commands of the United States Navy and/or the Coast Guard MWR (Morale, Welfare, and Recreation). 

·       The dissolution of the Association’s 501(c)(3) status does not, in any way affect the Association’s purpose, “Article II” of the By-laws. The Association can continue to perform all the duties prescribed under Article II, including raising and distributing funds in accordance with the Association’s By-laws.      




President: Karen Leonard

Vice-President: Chuck Robertson

Treasurer: Ronald Roy

Secretary: Gayle Malone

