June 2018 Meeting Minutes
Chief Petty Officers Association of Miami, Inc.
Thursday, June 8, 2018



Meeting called to order by Master Chief Chuck Robinson: 1930.  

Pledge of Allegiance, Sailor’s Creed and Moment of Silence.  

Reminder it is Pearl Harbor Day



Ø     President:  Master Chief Robertson       

Ø     Vice President:  HMC Rick Tedlow

Ø      Secretary: ATC Silva        

Ø      Treasurer: OSCS Ronald B. Roy, Retired

Ø     Master-at-arms: 

Honorable members and guests present:

BMCM Chuck Robertson



CTOCS Alan Starr



OSCS Ronald Roy



HTC Ryan Visage



HMC Monica Soto



CTOCS Allan Star



HMC Norman Powell



















Minutes from the Previous Meeting.  Motion to accept minutes as posted.  Duly seconded and approved.  


Treasurer’s Report:  Senior Chief Roy reported no outstanding checks.


Checking Account balance: $13, 039.75


Savings Account:  $3,185.93


Money Market Account:  $51,019.50


Grand Total: $74, 555.18


Duly seconded and approved.  Note that dues are payable now.





Race : Six months until the next NASCAR race and five months prior to sign up. Take the time to get ready for the race and get involved.



Scholarship: Applications are due by the July meeting. No sign ups yet. Look at the website for rules and regulations in regards to the scholarship.


Philanthropy: Busy month. Received a thank you card from Kevin Graham’s family and a young Corpsman that passed away. Also received a thank you note from Gayle’s Mom our former Secretary who is recovering from a fall. A get well card and flowers were sent to ISC Roxy Hall who had knee surgery.  Please inform the CPOA if you know of anyone undergoing any medical procedure in order to lend all assistance and possible support.


Sea Service Veterans Assistance: Chief Drago leaving for Japan and NTR.


Ship Liaison:  We are still getting positive feed back after our CPO reception from Fleet Week. The environment in the VFW during the CPO reception felt like a Chief’s Mess rather than a club. During Memorial Day the Spruance Division Sea Cadets performed in two separate events and were able to witness a Coast Guard pinning ceremony. Chief Visage will assume the duties as the Spruance Division Sea Cadets. Senior Chief Allan Star encouraged everyone to wear their uniforms during special days such as 4th of July and Memorial day.


CPO365:  July 6th NRD Miami will hold a CPO 365 event. Also, Phase II meetings with SOUTHCOM, NOSC Miami and NRD Miami are held every Friday in order to coordinate and prepare for the FY19 Season. Reservist season will begin immediately after the results are announced. Please inform Master Chief Robertson if you are planning an event in the VFW building in order to coordinate with the appropriate parties.



MWR: Master Chief Robertson proposed the MWR representative should be other that the Vice-President since that position requires rotation every two years. Motion to accept update of the CPOA bylaws was proposed, however, a vote will be held next month to ensure all voting members have a chance to read prior to voting. Master Chief Robertson also announced the cruise prices range from $ 288.00, $388.00 to $488.00 per person which may be too pricey for most people. Research is being conducted for better deals. A bowling game at Manor Lanes will be held on June 24th.  The game is open to the board eligible personnel in order to promote comradeship with Chiefs. Sign up on the website. Chief Rick Tedlow announced a fishing trip on July 21. Sign up on the website.




VA Liaison: Master Chief Robertson announced that during this past month a request was received from a Navy Veteran who needed money to pay for his electric bill. The Veteran had already paid $200.00 and was only short $41.00. Master Chief Robertson assisted the Veteran with the remaining $41.00 to cover the cost of the electric bill.


Fund Raising:  Chief Soto announced an event called the August South Beach Festival. There is possibility to set up a bar during the last day of the festival in an effort to raise funds. There is also a proposal to gain some profits from ticket sales on the internet.

Old Business: None



Motion to cut a check for $1,000.00 for SGT Scott McKenzie due to Hardship case requested by Chief Soto.   Motion passed. 


New Business: Master Chief Robertson announced that there are four key positions in the CPOA Miami. The President, Vice-President, Treasurer and Secretary. Nomination for a new Vice-President were requested and HMC Rick Tedlow was selected and accepted the position as CPOA Vice-President.


Good of the Order: Our prior Secretary Gayle Malone who served us for many years had to move to Orlando in order to take care of her Mother. She wrote a letter for the CPOA and asked Master Chief Robertson to read it on her behalf.


Motion to adjourn:   2042




ATC John Silva

MIAMI CPOA Secretary