1. The CPOA Scholarship
Fund will be available to any current member of the association or the member’s
family to include spouse, son/daughter, stepson/stepdaughter, married children’s
spouses, nieces, nephews, and grandchildren. The purpose of this scholarship is
to assist the candidate in obtaining his or her first Bachelor degree from any accredited institution.
This fund will be a
annual event if funds are available. A One Thousand Dollar Scholarship will be awarded to
one (1) individual, selected by a secret majority vote of the awards committee on or
before August 15 of each calendar year. The association will determine if the funds are
available, by March 15th of each calendar year.
2. The scholarship awards committee will consist of at least five (5) members of the association. The members will be as follows:
A. Chairman (appointed by the President).
B. The current President of the association.
C. Three (3) members selected by the Chairman.
3. If any member of the committee has a relative applying for the award, they will resign from the committee.
4. The $1,000 will be awarded on or before August 15 of each calendar year.
5. The dead line for applications will be received or postmarked by June 30th of each calendar year.
6. Applications will consist of the following:
A. A letter requesting the scholarship.
B. A resume
C. A recent (less than six months old) school transcript.
(This transcript MUST
be in an unopened envelope from the school or
a digital signed
transcript sent to
from the school).
D. Appearance before the selection committee (if required by the committee).
Please e-mail
or mail your Applications to the following:
OSCS Ronald B. Roy
5088 NW 105 Drive
Coral Springs, FL 33076-1762
Email questions above: